GAP Ana Sayfa | GAP Nedir? | İletişim 12 Mart 2025 - Çarşamba
Yayın Detayları     YABANCI DİLDE YAYINLAR   English Publications


COMPETITIVENESS AGENDA FOR THE GAP REGION The Competitiveness Agenda for the GAP Region is one of the final outputs of the GAP-GIDEM Project. The present report is an outcome of a study conducted by a group of national and international consultants in close cooperation and consultation with GAP Regional Development Administration, Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey, UNDP’s Country Office in Turkey, and the GAP-GIDEM Project Team. The objective of the study was to provide an “outside-in” view, evaluating the region’s resources and opportunities in the context of the world economy, and developing recommendations that could provide a comprehensive framework for programs and policies to be undertaken within the region in the future. In short, the competitiveness agenda was designed as an effort to develop a framework for transforming the region’s economy.
Yayın Dili: Ingilizce
Yayın Yılı: 2007
Dosya Boyutu: 2.61 MB
Eklenme Tarihi: 1 Kasım 2022
Görüntülenme Sayısı: 1254
İndirme Sayısı: 909

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