GAP Ana Sayfa | GAP Nedir? | İletişim 12 Mart 2025 - Çarşamba
Yayın Detayları     YABANCI DİLDE YAYINLAR   English Publications


TURKEY WATER ISSUES IN THE MIDDLE EAST An Examination of the Indus, Colorado, Danube and Jordan-Israel Water Treaties and the Water Agenda of the 21 Century. Turkey and Water Issues in the Middle East, by Özden Bilen, is a more specifically focused presentation of Turkish attitudes and policies regarding that nation's position in the regional milieu. Although the author is careful to state that all the opinions in the book are his own and do not represent official policy, his position as former bead of the Turkish State Hydraulic Works (DSI) and as an internationally recognized and respected authority on Middle East water issues lends significance to this book. Bilen, in turn, presents a detailed discussion of the modern hydraulic history of the Middle East as well as a "Hydro Political and Technical Assessment of the Waters of the Middle East" with specific references to the Orontes River, the Jordan River, groundwater resources in Israel, Jordan and Palestine; and possible technical adaptations suggested for the area. Unlike Shapland's discursive approach, Bilen marshals bis data to counter Syrian and Iraqi claims. He also puts forward counter-arguments showing inconsistencies in Syrian attitudes regarding their use of the Orontes River on the one hand and their complaints regarding Turkish use of the Euphrates on the other. The purpose of this reviewer's comments is not to side with one group or the other, but to indicate that Bilen's book gives a straightforward and articulate presentation of the Turkish argument. As mentioned earlier, it would be useful if a similar work were available expressing, in as cogent and careful a manner, Arab perspectives.
Yayın Dili: İngilizce
Yayın Yılı: 2000
Dosya Boyutu: 58.90 MB
Eklenme Tarihi: 10 Ağustos 2023
Görüntülenme Sayısı: 1256
İndirme Sayısı: 174

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