The Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP RDA) hosted a workshop entitled American Experiences in Water Based Development on January 11-13, 2000 at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. The purpose of the workshop was to provide a platform in Turkey for hearing the lessons learned from the implementation of water related development projects in the United States. Participants in the workshop included representatives from several federal government agencies of the United States, as well as representatives from various public universities who are involved in water related development projects. American experiences in water based development are of particular interest to GAP for several reasons. First, the United States has been a world leader in developing water resource development technology and in transferring that technology to others. Second, the numerous projects that have been implemented in the United States over the last century present several case studies of the impact that natural resource development has on economic and social development. Third, water based development in the United States continues to adapt in response to changes in the natural, economic, and social environment. The lessons learned through these American experiences can be applied to water based development projects elsewhere. Finally, the exchange of ideas and experiences in both directions is valuable for strengthening international linkages and for discovering the means for sustainable development. The Southeastern Anatolia Project is a pioneer in regional integrated and sustainable development, and the experience gained in the context of this region will be useful for multiple purpose regional development projects elsewhere in the world. The sharing of experiences from both the United States and Turkey presents a unique opportunity for mutual encouragement and learning.